Friday, February 12, 2010

Google Helps Websites by Showing Relevant Ads

If you have a blog running on Blogger, you might have come across the Monetize option which is shown in your blog settings.

On Blogger, we can earn money by having AdSense online advertisements shown on our blog. In other words, AdSense enables you to earn money by placing targeted text and image ads on your blog. Similarly AdSense works with other non-Blogger blogs and independent website and gives site owners to earn by allowing online advertisements on their blog/site. Amount of payment is proportional to the number of clicks an ad gets; so the more traffic your site receives, the more the clicks, and the more you will earn.

Google intelligently chooses which ads to show on your site. The relevance of the ads is measured by matching its nature with your website’s content. Recently to deliver even better contextually matched ads on your website, Google has employed a great method which will make use of referral URLs and query words.

Referral URLs are the links/URLs which a user follows in order to get to your website; this can be either from a search engine or any other website. If an ad for your site is being shown on , and a user clicks it to get to your site, you will be able to view as the URL that referred the user to your site.

For referral URLs of search engines, the form can be of the following type: In the case of this URL, the user has searched for [leather jackets Moscow] which are called the query words. As you can see, these words appear in the referral URL. Google will now assume the query words in the referral URL to be part of your website’s content. Additional information from the query words will also be made use of to present the most relevant advertisement. In this case, instead of displaying an ad for just a leather jacket store, an ad will show up for a leather jacket store in Moscow.
If you jump from one AdSense partner website to the other, you would have given Google two referral URLs from which it can obtain more query words and present an even more relevant ad.
In this way, Google plans to improve the relevance of the ads shown on our websites and blogs making life a lot easier for everybody involved: us, the advertisers, and of course, the readers.

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