Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Benchmark wars: Nokia N8 vs Nokia N97, guess who is ready to retire

The new Nokia N8 is much better than the elderly N97 but I guess you already knew that. Well, if there is still someone among you that needs a proof to believe those words, here it comes. And one more thing: the N97 should better start packing because it’s time seems to have passed.

The guys over at FinestFones.com have run a couple of benchmark tests on the N8 and compared them to previous tests made with the Nokia N97. For the first test they used is the Speedy Go! app.

As you can see, the N97 managed to get to 253. Its coeval, the Samsung i8910 Omnia HD made it to the impressive 506. To refresh your memory, the Omnia HD packs a dedicated graphics accelerator, while the N97 has none. However, due to the operating system it runs (Symbian OS v9.4 Series 60 rel. 5), the i8910 can’t take full advantage of its powerful hardware. Still, even if its GPU remains unnoticed by the Symbian, the device turned out twice better performer than the N97.

As for the Symbian^3, it allows the N8 to enjoy its GPU and reach the unbelievable 1019. By the way, even with its accelerator switched off the N8 managed to reach 954 which still is a nearly 4 times better result than Nokia N97’s.

The other application used to compare the performance of Nokia’s current and next Symbian-powered flagships is the FPC Bench 3D. N8’s result is shown on the last screenshot above (60fps is this test’s top score) while the following video demonstrates the performance of the Nokia N97 along with the even older Nokia N95 8GB.

Before you head for the comments section to share your thoughts with us, let me remind you that the N8 used for the test was running a pre-release software (read: the market-ready N8 might turn out even greater… or worse. We’ll see.)

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