Sunday, February 27, 2011

LifeProof: a case bombproof (and water) for iPhone

It's the weekend, and best time to share with you a moment of destruction of the iPhone? In the video posted at the beginning of this article can in fact see the presentation, held in San Francisco, LifeProof, a company that makes iPhones for homes built to withstand the weather.

One of the members of the company has thrown, to demonstrate the effectiveness of their homes, thrown into a bathtub full of water to Cupertino the phone, getting in all ways, all to experience the incredible strength of the iPhone when used in people's homes company.

The case costs $ 70, and though it may seem a considerable expense recently LifeProof stresses that buying a new iPhone costs almost 10 times as much. Perhaps this could be the case for people working in special conditions, risking their lives every day of your device.

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