Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Samsung Galaxy S2 Fast Browser Review

Samsung Galaxy S2 Fast Browser Review ...

Samsung Galaxy S2 is so fast and so amazing for us. Browser with flash player 10.2 is nice combination. They are working so fast and efficient. In Galaxy S2 browser have different features in which we can zoom-out and zoom-in in different ways. We can play flash videos without leaving the browser page and many others.

Let's see some screen-shots and video:


  1. Wow, that looks like it might jsut actually work!


  2. An Android OS embedded with Gingerbread version 2.3 in Samsung Galaxy S2 with reliable hardware assembly.The advanced Samsung Galaxy S2 is the absolute and the irresistible device introduced this year 2011. To be post hoc on from the best selling Galaxy, Samsung have effortlessly crossed the bar with this new models, fitting in an ameliorate screen and a lightning fast new dual core processor.

  3. The Samsung Galaxy S2 is an awesome phone, especially since it has a dual core processor and an HD 1080p camera. Combined with my employee Sling adapter from DISH Network, this phone will be the ultimate mobile device. With the Sling adapter, I can stream live and recorded HD TV to my phone everywhere I have 3G coverage or WiFi.

  4. quando ascoltai un povero cinesino esprimersi penosamente in inglese qualche hanno fa non avrei mai pensato che un italiano potesse esprimersi persino peggio.

  5. Ho questo telefono da 2 settimane e si puo' dire che e' l'evoluzione di android, ovvero android che diventa veloce, le applicazioni incluse possono soddisfare un po' tutti (notepad, office, ebook reader). Bellissima la fotocamera ed il display, con l'ultimo upgrade la batteria mi dura quasi giorni, per ora il miglior android di sempre.

  6. Love the phone.. i have used it and its simply amazing... recommended...

  7. its awesome set ever released by samsung

  8. i just love my phone! galaxy s2 is superb
