Monday, May 24, 2010

Apple Confirm Steve Jobs Will Host WWDC 2010 on June 7th

In exactly 2 weeks Steve Jobs will unveil the next big thing from Apple Inc at WWDC on June 7th, any guesses what that might be?

This years World Wide Developer Conference kicks off on June the 7th and Apple have just announced that his greatness Steve Jobs will present the keynote this year. The world lies in wait for the official announcement of the much leaked iPhone 4 / 4G / HD or whatever it's going to be called. The last two keynotes have been launchpads for both the iPhone 3G and 3GS, so if the next iPhone dosen't make an appearance it would be a big shock.

Hopefully Apple won't disappoint and will have some extra tricks up their sleeve, now that everyone knows about the new iPhone it'd be a bit of an anti climax if that was the only announcement, but knowing Apple it's highly likely that they will not stop there. News of the next iteration of the OSX operating system is expected, even if it's just an introduction, which is usually the case at the developer event.

There is also chatter across the interweb of a new iPod Touch complete with camera, after a prototype model was pictured in the wild, but that rumour is as old as the hills, so we're taking that with a pinch of salt at this point.

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